Patient Billing

Patient Billing

Insurance Plans

It is your responsibility to keep our front desk staff informed of your correct insurance information. If the insurance company you designate is incorrect, if medical services delivered fall outside of your coverage parameters, or if your claim is not processed correctly due to coverage/coordination of benefits (COB), you will be responsible for payment. You will be provided with the documentation of the visit and charges so that you can submit it to the correct plan for reimbursement.

If we are your primary care physician, make sure our name or phone number appears on your card. If your insurance company has not yet been informed that we are your primary care physician, you may be financially responsible for your current visit.

It is your responsibility to understand your benefit plan coverage’s, for instance, covered services and participating laboratories.


If your overdue account balance is between $10 and $50, you will receive two consecutive statements from our office. If your balance is more than $50, you will receive three consecutive statements.

If we haven’t received full payment on your account after three statements have been sent, the account will be sent to an outside collection agency.

We appreciate your prompt payment on outstanding balances.

Sick Care during Well Exam or Physical

Because your time is valuable (we know it is hard to schedule Well appointments in a busy life), we try not to cancel your appointment if you are sick or have issues beyond a normal visit. If in the course of a patient’s well exam a separate non-well issue presents itself, we will address at the time of your well exam. An additional E&M code (evaluation and management) will be added to the visit.

Your insurance company may require a co-pay, it may be subject deductible, or a coinsurance may apply for the additional services or procedure.

North Dallas Primary Care Doctors will file your claim. If the EOB (explanation of benefits) shows an additional amount is owed by the patient, you will receive a bill for that amount if it was not collected at the time of service

Payment Plans

North Dallas Primary Care Doctors policy is that any charges such as co-pays, deductibles, coinsurance or non-covered services are due at the time of service. However, we do offer a limited payment plan for those patients who need some flexibility, with the following criteria:

    You will be required to provide us with a credit or debit card number to automatically process your payment on specified dates.

    The balance must be paid in full within six months of the date of service (unless otherwise specified), or six months from the date that we received payment from your insurance company (if applicable).

    No future charges may be added to this payment plan, as it is not intended to be a revolving charge account. Until this initial payment agreement is paid in full, all future visit costs will be due in full at the time of service. If at any point you are unable to keep this payment agreement, and fail to notify North Dallas Primary care Doctors, your account will be sent to a collection agency.

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